Minggu, 08 September 2013

Role Of Youth In Society

Society requires the participation of the youth to progress together . Youth is the backbone of society . The older generation has limitations to develop the nation . The younger generation should take a decisive role in this regard . With a fiery spirit and a steely determination and vision and a willingness to accept the changes that dynamic youth become a motor for social development .
History proves , that the changes are almost always driven by young people . Youth Pledge , Proclamation , Eradication PKI , the birth of the new order , even events fall of dictator Suharto presidency throne entirely driven by young people . Young people also are always providing critical feedback to pongahnya power.
Bung Karno mentioned people who have fiercely for independence from the hands of the invaders , when growing dusk , he was deemed no longer able to continue its leadership in the country of Indonesia , as well as with many other leaders . This shows that youth plays a very large in the process of change and growth and development of a society .
However , the facts show that not all young people have a positive morale . Rampant drug use and abuse of drugs other forces us to recognize that more needs to be done to foster youth so very much channeled their energy to positive things .
Thus , it takes a particularly intensive coaching coaching for young people have a sense of moral responsibility to build and berjuan for the prosperity of the people , not only for their own interests . Coaching and education are also primarily aimed at the growth of human consciousness as the caliph kana god job in the world and as an individual who must submit to Allah SWT .

Awareness is the sun , the earth is patience , courage into the horizon , and the struggle is the implementation of the words . Struggle is the implementation of the words . Youth to be executor of their consciousness .

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